Sunday, June 30, 2013

L O B S T E R - S T I T C H

My good friend Cassidy LOVES lobsters. She loves to eat lobster, and loves anything with lobster print on it. For years I've been sending her "lobster grams"- which just means I send her ridiculous lobster emails. Photos, videos, clothing, babies wearing lobster costumes, etc. For Cassidy's 30th birthday I made her this:

1 comment:

  1. Well, this is fantastic.

    I just found you on Kollabora & noticed that we are both from southeastern Michigan.. And then I noticed that our blogs have strikingly similar names (mine is "monmakesthings")... Freaky?

    Looking forward to following your bossy cross stitch works! I've been dreaming of a pretty pegboard cross stitch project for a while. :)
